Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You too, could be "The King of Pop"

Here's an opportunity that doesn't come along everyday. Mike Jackson is apparently having a "going out of business" sale and many of his most revered possessions are available to the general population via auction. What a chance for us regular stiffs to get our greedy mitts on some World Class really weird shit!

The original glove, the space jacket, even the ranch must go! There's some small chance that Elizabeth Taylor may be added as a supplement if she continues to deteriorate at the current rate.

I have chosen to direct all of my efforts toward the weirdest of these many, many weird possessions, the scissor hands used in the Tim Burton classic movieEdward Scissorhands. How cool is that! I'll be the envy of all my peers! See you at the auction....Wooo-hooo-hooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't run with those scissors, squirrel! :)