Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jug Fantasy Contest...sigh

So...I'm currently in 6th place of 500+ after 14 events with just tonight's Simcoe and the Jug itself to go. The rules allow a stable of 10 horses (only 5 of which may be activated for each race), two drivers and two trainers (always active). They also permit replacement of 2 horses, 1 trainer and 1 driver twice along the way. The second replacement period just ended, so the selections I now have must take me through the Jug.

I'm pretty happy with the horses in my barn. The logical choices, Well Said, Vintage Master, If I Can Dream, Mr Wiggles, Keep It Real, Dial Or No Dial, Chasin Racin and Johnny Z are held over. I replaced Art Colony (shut down) and Vertigo Hanover (disappointment) with Vertical Horizon (not really a Jug contender IMO but is 6/5 in the Simcoe tonight which would net 50 points and I can only use 5 for the Jug anyway) and River Shark (a flyer based on his Confederation Cup showing, hoping for a good post in a cheap division). Minor angst over those additions, but pretty OK.
The trouble for me was replacing a trainer and a driver. I started the contest with Pierce and Tetrick as my drivers. Pierce for Well Said, which has paid off handsomely. Tetrick on spec, as he had Dial Or No Dial at the start, Teague uses him a lot and I just thought he'd pick up a live steer. Didn't happen.
My trainers at the start were Steve Elliott (Well Said) and George Teague, who had like a hundred eligibles. Teague did me some good, but as I looked over which horses were eligible to which races after the first replacement, I decided to swap him out for Tracy Brainard. That went well, as If I Can Dream won two contest races for her while George didn't win another contest race. as I pour over the possibilities, it is announced that Well Said may skip the Jug. Oh no! I don't know how to take this. I think he will race, but I also think Vintage Master, off his Cane win, may be the best horse for the Jug and I don't have either his trainer (Takter) or driver (Dube). So much there will depend on who draws in which division and, of course, the post draw.
After much consternation, I keep Pierce and pitch Tetrick for Dube. I think Dube might catch another live horse (River Shark maybe) for the Jug while Pierce is tied to Well Said and has really no other live options. OK.
Selecting the right trainers is far more difficult for me. I finally decide to keep Tracy Brainard, thinking that If I Can Dream is a good small track horse but does need a good draw...and...she was the trainer of record for River Shark at Flamboro, that might happen again...and...she might have a bunch in the Jug with all the Brooks horses from which to choose...and...she's got two, albeit outsiders, in the Simcoe. OK.
Now what do I do with Steve? He's got just the one, but that one is Well Said. I've scored a lot of points with Steve along the contest and the horse is a complete lay down in the Simcoe tonight, 50 points for the taking. But what if they don't come for the Jug? On the other hand, Takter has committed with VM and I really like the horse. He was vicious in the Cane and showed speed, a new wrinkle. I replaced Elliott with Takter, then immediately had second thoughts but once you make that click, you can't change, you're locked in.
So...we will see...I'll keep you posted...sigh.

1 comment:

Billy said...

Nick - I just had the ole' crystal ball out. WELL SAID goes to JUG, but draws outside. Pitch ELLIOT and take your man Jimmy!